Thursday, April 23, 2009

my kvm-12 reading git

git clone

Configure git to ignore some files globally

1. Create a file ~/.gitignore
Add the following lines into it:

2. git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Saturday, April 11, 2009

about library symbolic link


这意味着您最终要链接的程序库最好与调用它的代码相兼容。使用静态链接的可执行文件,可以在某种程度上 保证不会发生任何改变。如果使用动态链接,就得不到这样的保证。


版本号可以解决这个问题 —— 共享的程序库将拥有一个版本号。当一个程序链接到某个程序库时,程序中 会存储一个它计划支持的版本号。如果更改程序库,那么版本号就会不匹配,程序也就不会被链接到较 新版本的程序库。

不过,动态链接的可能优势之一在于修正缺陷。如果可以修正程序库中的缺陷,而且不必重新编译上千个程序,就 可以利用这一修正功能,这将是非常令人愉快的。有时,需要链接到某个较新的版本。

不幸的是,这会导致在某些情况下,您希望链接到较新的版本,而在另外一些情况下,您宁愿坚持使用较老的版本。 不过,有一个解决方案 —— 使用两类版本号:

  • 主版本号表明程序库版本之间的潜在不兼容性。
  • 次要版本号表明只是修正了缺陷。


为了让用户(和程序员)不必追踪程序库版本号和更新,系统提供了大量的符号链接。 通常,其模式是:


的链接,其中 N 是在系统中可以找到的最高的 版本号。



的链接,其中 M 是最高的 次要 版本号。

这样,如果为链接器指定了 -lexample,那么它会去寻找,这是一个符号链接,指向某个指向最新版本的符号链接。 另一方面,当加载某个现有程序时,它将尝试去加载, 其中 N 是它先前链接的版本。各得其所!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

python xml parser


ElementTree Tutorial PPT

用ElementTree 解析和生成 XML - Lynn的读书笔记 - CSDNBlog

XML Parser Minidom

Sunday, February 15, 2009

python gtk glade

A good blog:

python + glade tutorial

Sunday, February 08, 2009

simple sqlite3 python-binding tutorial links

SQLite Tutorial

python and sqllite : simplest example

A brief Python / SQLite example

my screenrc

My screen rc file.
#caption always "%?%F%{-b 4w}%:%{-b bb}%? %H | %l | %m-%d %c |%?%F%{-b 4w}%?%L=%-Lw%45>%{-b w4}%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%-0<"
#caption always "%m-%d %c |%?%F%{-b 4w}%?%L=%-Lw%45>%{-b w4}%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%-0<"
vbell off
termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@

autodetach on # Autodetach session on hangup instead of terminating screen completely

startup_message off # Turn off the splash screen

defscrollback 99999 # Use a 30000-line scrollback buffer

zombie kr

#caption always "%{= KG} %Y-%m-%d %c |%?%F%{-b 4w}%?%L=%-Lw%45>%{-b w4}%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%-0<"
#caption always "%{= KG} %H |%?%F%{-b 4w}%?%L=%-Lw%45>%{-b w4}%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%-0<"

caption always "%{rw}%n%f %t %{wk} | %?%-Lw%?%{wb}[%n*%f %t]%?(%u)%?%{wk}%?%+Lw%? %{wk}"

hardstatus alwayslastline "%{+b kr}host: %{kw}%H %{kg} | %c | %{ky}%d.%m.%Y | %{kr}(load: %l)%-0=%{kw}"

#caption always "%{= wk} %{= KY} [%n]%t %{-} %= %{= KR} %l %{-} | %{= KG} %Y-%m-%d %{-} "
#hardstatus alwayslastline " %-Lw%{= Bw}%n%f %t%{-}%+Lw %=| %0c:%s"
activity              "activity in %n (%t) [%w:%s]~"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings
#bind ^k
#bind L
#bind ^\
# Make them better
#bind \\ quit
#bind K kill
#bind I login on
#bind O login off
#bind } history

# An example of a "screen scraper" which will launch urlview on the current
# screen window
#bind ^B eval "hardcopy_append off" "hardcopy -h $HOME/.screen-urlview" "screen urlview $HOME/.screen-urlview"

# k1 is f1; ie f1 jumps to window 1
#bindkey -k k4  quit
bindkey -k k5  next
bindkey -k k4  prev
bindkey -k k6  select 4
bindkey -k k7  select 5
bindkey -k k8  quit

# Using tab to move around regions gets annoying.  These help.
bind ^j focus down
bind ^k focus up
bind ^h focus top
bind ^l focus bottom

#Remove Ctrl+k, Ctrl+a k, then bind ctrl+a,shift+k to 'kill' command 
#Remove Ctrl+s, Ctrl+a s, Ctrl+a S bind
bind ^k
bind k
bind K kill
bind ^s
bind s
bind S

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# caption description:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# caption always "%?%F%{-b bc}%:%{-b bb}%?%C|%D|%M %d|%H%?%F%{+u wb}%? %L=%-Lw%45>%{+b by}%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%-0<"
# Anything I don't describe is treated literally.
# %?          - Start of a conditional statement.
#  %F         - Use this part of the statement if the window has focus (i.e. it
#               is the only window or the currently active one).
#  %{-b bc}   - Turn off bold, blue foreground, cyan background.
# %:          - else
#  %{-b bb}   - Turn off bold, blue foreground, blue background (this obscures
#               the text on non-focused windows and just gives a blue line).
# %?          - End conditional statement.
#  %C         - time (hh:mm, leading space) in 12 hour format
#  %D         - Three-letter day-of-week appreviation
#  %M         - Three-letter month appreviation
#  %d         - Day of the month
#  %H         - hostname
#  %?         - Start of conditional statement.
#   %F        - Use this part of the statement if the window has focus.
#   %{+u wb}  - underlined, white foreground, blue background
#  %?         - End conditional (if not focused, text remaind blue on blue).
#    %L=      - truncation/padding point.  With the 'L' qualifier, basically
#               just acts as a reference point.  Further truncation/padding is
#               done relative to here, not the beginning of the string
#    %-Lw     - window list up to but not including the current window (-),
#               show window flags (L)
#    %45>     - truncation/padding marker; place this point about 45% of the
#               way into the display area (45)
#    %{+b by} - add bold (still underlined from before), blue foreground,
#               yellow background
#      %n     - number of the current window
#      %f     - flags for current window
#      %t     - title of current window
#    %{-}     - undo last color change (so now we're back to underlined white
#               on blue)  (technically, this is a pop; a second invocation
#               would drop things back to unadorned blue on cyan)
#    %+Lw     - window list from the next window on (-), show window flags (L)
#    %-0<     - truncation/padding point.  Place this point zero spaces (0)
#               from the right margin (-).

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Linux boot process parts.

The Linux boot process can be logically divided into six parts. They are as follows:
1, Kernel loader loading, setup, and execution (bootsect.s)
In this step the file bootsect.s is loaded into memory by the BIOS. bootsect.s then sets up a few parameters and loads the rest of the kernel into memory.
2, Parameter setup and switch to 32-bit mode (boot.s)
After the kernel has been loaded, boot.s takes over. It sets up a temporary IDT and GDT (explained later on) and handles the switch to 32-bit mode.
Detailed information on IDT, GDT and LDT can be found on - The world's leading source for pure technical x86 processor information.
3, Kernel decompression (compressed/head.s)
The kernel is stored in a compressed format. This head.s (since there is another head.s) decompresses the kernel.
4, Kernel setup (head.s)
After the kernel is decompressed, head.s (the second one) takes over. The real GDT and IDT are created, as is a basic memory-paging table.
5, Kernel and memory initialization (main.c)
This step is the most complex. The kernel now has control and sets up all remaining parameters and initializes everything remaining. Virtual memory is setup completely and the first processes are created.
6, Init process creation (main.c)
In the final step of booting, the Init process is created.

Kernel Loader (linux/arch/i386/boot/bootsect.s)
When the computer is first turned on, BIOS loads the boot sector of the boot disk into memory at location 0x7C00. This first sector corresponds to the bootsect.s file. The BIOS will only copy 512 bytes, so the kernel loader must be small. The code that is loaded by the BIOS must be able to load the remaining portions of the operating system and pass control onto the next file.

The first thing that bootsect.s does when it is loaded is to move itself to the memory location 0x9000. This is to avoid any possible conflicts in memory. The code then jumps to the new copy located at 0x9000. After this, an area in memory is set aside (0x4000-12) for a new disk parameter table. To make it so that more than one sector can be read from the disk at a time, we will try to find the largest number of sectors that can be read at a time. This will help speed reads from the disk when we begin loading the rest of the kernel.

Before this is done, setup.s is loaded into memory in the memory space above bootsect.s, 0x9020. This allows setup.s to be jumped to after the kernel has been loaded. Now the disk parameter table is created. Basically, the code tries to read 36 sectors, if that fails it tries 18, 15, then if all else fails it uses 9 as the default.

If at any point there is an error, little can be done. In most cases, bootsect.s will just keep trying to do what it was doing when the error occurred. Usually this will end in an unbroken loop that can only be resolved by rebooting by hand.

At last we are ready to copy the kernel into memory. bootsect.s goes into a loop that reads the first 508Kb from the disk and places it into memory starting at 0x10000. After the kernel is loaded into RAM, bootsect.s jumps to 0x9020, where setup.s is loaded.

Parameter Setup (linux/arch/i386/boot/setup.s)
setup.s makes sure that all hardware information has been collected and gathers more information if necessary. It first verifies that it is loaded at 0x9020. After this is verified, setup.s does the following:
  1. Gets main memory size
  2. Sets keyboard repeat rate to the maximum
  3. Retrieves video card information
  4. Collects monitor information for the terminal to use
  5. Gets information about the first and possibly second hard drive using BIOS
  6. Looks to see if there is a mouse (a pointing device) attached to the system
All of the information that setup.s collects is stored for later use by device drivers and other areas of the system. Like bootsect.s, if an error occurs little can be done. Most errors are “handled” by an infinite loop that has to be reset manually.

The next step in the booting process needs to use virtual memory. This can only be used on a x86 by switching from real mode to protected mode. After all information has been gathered by setup.s, it does a few more housekeeping chores to get ready for the switch to 32-bit mode.

First, all interrupts are disabled. Once the system is in 32-bit mode, no more BIOS calls can be made. The area of memory at 0x1000 is where the BIOS handlers were loaded when the system came up. We no longer need these, so to get the compressed kernel out of the way, setup.s moves the kernel from 0x10000 to 0x1000. This provides room for a temporary IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table) and GDT (Global Descriptor Table). The GDT is only setup to have the system in memory. All paging is disabled, so that described memory locations correspond to actual memory addresses. At this point, extended (or high) memory is enabled.

Setup also resets any present coprocessor and reconfigures the 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller. All that remains now is for the protected bit mask to be set, and the processor is in 32-bit mode. After the switch has been made, setup.s lets processing continue at /compressed/head.s to uncompress the kernel.

Kernel Decompression (linux/arch/i386/boot/compressed/head.s )
This first head.s uncompresses the kernel into memory. The kernel is gzip-compressed to make sure that it can fit into the 508Kb that bootsect.s will load. When the kernel is compiled, bootsect.s, head.s , and /compressed/head.s are not compressed and are appended to the front of the compressed kernel. They are the only three files that must remain uncompressed.

head.s decompresses the kernel to address 0x1000000. This corresponds to the 1Mb boundary in memory. head.s does a bit of error checking before it decompresses the kernel to ensure that there is enough memory available in high memory.

Right before the decompression is done, the flags register is reset and the area in memory where setup.s was is cleared. This is to put the system in a better known state. After the decompression, control is passed to the now decompressed head.s.

Kernel Setup (linux/arch/i386/kernel/head.s)
The second head.s is responsible for setting up the permanent IDT and GDT, as well as a basic paging table. Before anything is done, the flags register is again reset. The first page in the paging system is setup at 0x5000. This page is filled by the information gathered in setup.s by copying it from its location at 0x9000.

Next the processor type is determined. For 586s (Pentium) and higher there is a processor command that returns the type of processor. Unfortunately, the 386 and 486 do not have this feature so some tricks have to be employed. Each processor has only certain flags, so by trying to read and write to them you can determine the type of processor. If a coprocessor is present that is also detected.

After that, the IDT and GDT are set up. The table for the IDT is set up. Each interrupt gets an 8-byte descriptor. Each descriptor is initially set to ignore_int. This means that nothing will happen when the interrupt is called. All that ignore_int does is, is save the registers, print “unknown interrupts”, and then restore the registers.

Each IDT descriptor is divided into four two-byte sections. The top four bytes are called the WW, while the bottom four are the CW. The WW contains a two-byte offset, a P-flag set to 1, and a Descriptor Privilege Level. The CW has a selector and an offset. In total the IDT can contain up to 256 entries.

At this point the code sets up memory paging. In the x86 architecture, virtual memory uses three descriptors to establish an address: a Page Directory, a Page Table, and a Page Frame. The Page Directory is a table of all of the pages and what processes they match to. The Page Directory contains an index into the Page Table. The Page Table maps the virtual address to the beginning of a physical page in memory. The Page Frame and an offset use the beginning address of the physical page and can retrieve an actual location in memory. The three structures are setup by head.s. They make it so that the first 4Mb of memory is in the Page Directory. The kernel's virtual address is set to 0xC0000000, or the top of the last gigabyte of memory.

Each memory address in an x86 has three parts. The first is the index into the Page Directory. The result of this index is the start of a specific Page Table. The second part of the 32-bit address is an offset into the Page Table. The Page Table has a 32-bit entry that corresponds to that offset. The top 20 bits are used to get an actual physical address. The lower 12 bits are used for administrative purposes. The physical address corresponds to the start of a physical page. The third part of the 32-bit address is an offset within this page, equal to a real memory location.

Almost everything is set up at this point. Now control is passed to the main function in the kernel. Main.c gains control.

Init process creation (linux/init/main.c)
After all of the init functions have been called main.c tries to start the init process. main.c tries three different copies of init in order. If the first doesn't work, it tries the second, if that one doesn't work it goes to the third. Here are the file names for the three init versions:


If none of these three inits work, then the system goes into single user mode. init is needed to log in multiple users and to manage many other tasks. If it fails, then the single user mode creates a shell and the system goes from there.

tools/build builds boot image zImage from {bootsect, setup, compressed/vmlinux.out}, or bzImage from {bbootsect, bsetup, compressed/bvmlinux,out}.